Monday 17 March 2014

Baby Steps

Successful people do simple things that are easy to do. It sounds so simple. Why are there not more successful people? It's because these simple things are just as easy not to do.

These simple positive actions have to be done in BABY STEPS consistently over a long period of time. If you eat healthy for a day you are not going to lose weight, but if you eat healthy every day for months,  you will gradually see the weight coming off. This is hard for most people in this day and age because it has become such an "Instant" society.  With the use of the Internet, the world is at our fingertips.  But when it comes to success, this does not hold true.

If you want the "Slight Edge" to work for you, a simple positive action on a consistent basis over time will lead you to success. If you are performing simple errors in judgement consistently over time, you will join the other 95% that do not become successful.

It's not what you do one day that matters. It's doing it every day that makes the difference. You can't workout one day for 30 minutes and see a difference. But imagine if you worked out everyday for 30 minutes for a year...

If you want to try out this Slight Edge philosophy, remember, Baby steps is key.

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