Wednesday 19 March 2014


Time plays a big factor in being successful. Time can benefit you or hinder your quest to success. Time is a BIG factor if you want to change.  You can't expect instant results. Doing small positive things everyday will lead to success. We must Plant -> Cultivate->  Harvest.   People today want to go from planting to harvesting. (because it's easier not to cultivate) This will not lead you to the success you are looking for. There is no "easy route"! Take working out for instance. People join the gym, go a few times, get sore muscles and then find every excuse in the book to never return. Was there a harvest? Of course not because there was no cultivating! If instead this person came in a few times a week, maybe staying longer, lifting heavier, running further...., over their year membership, VOILA! There definitely will be a Harvest! You could put every behaviour you want to change into a scenario like this and become successful!

You always have choice in life...Simple disciplines or simple errors in judgement - You decide.

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