Saturday 15 March 2014

Two Paths

There are two paths in life. These are the paths to success or failure when it comes to all avenues of your life -FINANCES, HEALTH, BUSINESS, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, and RELATIONSHIPS.  Unfortunately only 5% of people are successful when it comes to taking the right path. It seems like such a simple philosophy when it comes to being on the path to success, so why are their so many people who fail? Reason being...It's easy to be have the philosophy that leads you to success, but it's also easy not to do what leads you to success. Wow! Isn't that a mind blower! That's basically what results in success in a nutshell!

Your PHILOSOPHY affects your ATTITUDE, your attitude affects your ACTIONS and your actions affect your RESULTS.

The reason why people are not successful is because they blame others, and feel as if they are "entitled" to success.

Successful people are responsible, and value driven.

Is it easy to be either type of person? Is it easier to "do" or "not to do". Are you on the downward slide in your life? Is it easy to blame, make excuses, have negative thoughts? Of course these actions can be easy BUT taking small steps every day on a consistent basis of not doing these actions, eventually over time it actually becomes easier not to do them! So things that may have been easy for you to do that led you into a unsuccessful branch of your life, overtime become not so easy as you get closer to the level of success you are aiming for!

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